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Psalm 46:1-2

1 God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.

2 Therefore we will not fear,

even though the earth be removed,

I love the Psalms. I read them on most days because the different authors of the Psalms are able to put into words what I often times feel. Psalm 46 is one of my favorites. The Psalmist, the writer, describes God as a refuge and strength. I think about how often I need a place to run and hide or find relief from the world we live in. There is darkness all around. When I take refuge in Him, my spirit is renewed, and I find a supernatural strength in His spirit. I wonder today, how many people need a place to find relief from the constant onslaught of our world, the bad news, the questions, even the decisions we make from day to day. Verse 1 also says “He is present in the midst of our trouble”. One of Satan’s lies is to get us to believe that because we are in trouble or trial that God has abandoned us. This could not be further from the truth. As a child of God, He has promised us never to leave us or abandon us. This should lead to confidence. Fear is not of God. I am confident that Jesus has overcome. I am confident that He holds me in His hand. I am confident that He knows the end of the story and that we win through Jesus. One final note, the Psalmist say, “even though the earth be removed”. Even though my foot begins to slip or even though the earth comes to nothing I will not fear. Faith in Christ is a choice. Faith to trust God in all circumstances is a choice. The question for today is what is God asking you to trust Him with?

Pastor Scott


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