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Growing As A Follower Of Jesus

Growing as a follower of Jesus here at Concord is seen in the following five words.

Gather, Connect, Serve, Invite, Pray

These words serve to challenge us and push us in different areas of our life. Gathering is the act of corporate worship. This is when the family of God gathers and worships God through song, scripture, prayer, and fellowship. This is a time to be the family loving on one another and focused on God. Connecting is focused on small group connections. This is a place to know others and to be known by them. This becomes a place where we can be vulnerable and pray for one another. This is also the place where we are able to check on each other. Service is immensely important because this is where the knowledge that we gather from bible study is put into action. Service also prevents our faith experience from becoming just about us. We are called on to sacrifice to serve others. Invite is about bringing people into our lives. Inviting them to coffee, to dinner, and ultimately to church. These invitations are to do life together and to get to know one another. Please realize you do not have to have all the answers to life before you begin to invite. Our culture is attracted to people who are authentic and on a journey, not to people who know everything. Look at the people in your path. God has placed them there for a reason. Pray for them. Serve them. Do life with them. Finally, we come to the word Pray. Prayer is about being honest with God. We have to learn to be vulnerable in His presence knowing, trusting, that God’s plan is best for our life. We also have to learn to sit and listen. When God speaks are you ready to respond without hesitation? If not, you have more to talk with Him about. I challenge you to evaluate your spiritual life through these words: Gather, Connect, Serve, Invite, Pray. Lay your life before God and allow Him to speak deeply into your soul. When He points to areas that He desires to work, surrender to Him. Again, He knows best. Please realize that our spiritual growth is a lifetime journey. This side of heaven we will never “arrive.” Join us for the journey.

Pastor Scott


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9:45 a.m. - Sunday School

11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship


6905 Concord Rd.
Cumming, GA 30028



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