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Psalms 71:

15 My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness

*And* Your salvation all the day,

For I do not know *their* limits.

Can you see God’s handiwork upon your life? I often times hear people say, “I don’t know how people make it through this life without Jesus.” Can you identify with this statement? As I look at God’s work in my life all I can see is God’s grace. He lavishes his blessing upon me. He pours his grace and love into my life. I can now see that surrendering to Him as a child has changed the trajectory of my life, not just my eternal destination.

My life could be so much different without Jesus.

Psalm 71 has three main topics: a call for God’s salvation or deliverance, A call for God to put the wicked in their place, and worship as a response to God’s goodness in the Psalmist’s life. The Psalmist was struggling because of the attacks of the ‘wicked’. The attacks hurt. They are personal. They impact not only the Psalmist but also the name and character of God in the community. So, the Psalmist cries out in verses 2-3 “Incline your ear to me and save me. Be my strong refuge, to which I may resort continually.” He cries for deliverance. In verse 13 the Psalmist asks God to deal with the unrighteous, “Let them be confounded *and* consumed Who are adversaries of my life; Let them be covered *with* reproach and dishonor Who seek my hurt.” Finally, we arrive at verse 15, “My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and Your salvation all day.” As you survey your life, what do you praise God for? What continually comes to mind? Often times we are flooded with so many memories of God’s provisions in our life. Consider the last line of verse 15, “For I do not know their limits.” There is never a limit to the amount of grace God pours into our lives. His blessing never runs out. There is never a limit to the work that God wants to do in our life. There is never a limit to the closeness God wants to have to us. Literally, His grace, His blessing, and His provisions carry us from salvation into eternity. In Psalm 50 God is declared to own cattle upon a thousand hills. You and I can know that God has the resources and the power to care for us throughout this life.


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