As We Start a New Church Year
As we start a new church year I want to begin with a question? What will God do with
me this year? How is God going to work on me and through me? What changes will he
bring to my life? How will he challenge me to grow? How will God move me from a
consumer of church things to a follower or a pursuer? One who passionately pursues
Ok, that was more than one question, but you get the idea. Look at the year ahead and
ask yourself where do I see God working in me and just as importantly around me. We
are coming out of a great summer. Where there were many salvations, many moments
for ministry, many opportunities for growth, and many relationships started or built. How
do we continue this as we move back to the flow of the school year? In Luke 10 we are
told to pray to the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth labors. I believe that God
has placed within all of us a need to serve. I am praying you will respond to God’s
sending. By serving we grow in our faith. We meet the needs of others. We are given
opportunities to see God at work in ways that could not happen outside of service. Look
at the success and enthusiasm surrounding Mission Concord. For three days we work
hard all day in the community, we come back to fellowship and eat together. Then we
head into worship. These may be the three most impactful days in our church. Why is
this successful? First, we are focused on others. We see the need and we meet the
need. Second, we are serving together. There are bonds that are developed as we work
alongside others that cannot be developed any other way. Third, everyone is involved,
from young to old. We find strength and encouragement from those around us.
My desire is to carry that same idea forward into our everyday lived experience. That
when I am at work or school, and I see a need I meet it. That we crucify the selfishness
that lies within all of us. Everywhere in life, there is an opportunity to serve others. I pray
that we would think about our teams and pray for them. I pray that Sunday would
become a day of celebration of the prior week’s, God moments. That in Sunday School
we would have testimonies of how God worked in and through our lives that week. So
stop today and evaluate how you are approaching your day. Have you moved back to a
task-oriented way of living? Have you become more focused on yourself and your
family? Or have you taken on the mission mindset of every encounter is a divine
opportunity? Are you actively looking for opportunities to serve? Let me challenge you.
Life is our mission field. Let’s go serve.