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There is much fear, anxiety and uncertainty in our culture. We have been cast into uncharted waters and we are making decisions as we go. Our current time has demonstrated in a great way our need for God every day. As a leader I ask for his wisdom to know what the next step is. We make decisions, uncertain of the outcomes, but prayerful that we have heard the voice of God. One of our recent decisions was to cancel all activities for the week of March 15, including in person gatherings for worship. We opted to stream yesterday’s worship and I wanted to give you an update. First, I want to say thank you to the team that gathered yesterday to make the online worship experience happen. I was filled with and overjoyed at the presence of God in the midst of our worship. Second, the service has been viewed 696 times at this point. This is a combination of live views and recorded views. From my perspective this has been a great success. Thank you to everyone who sent encouraging text and emails. I believe that what was missed most yesterday was fellowship with the church family. With that in mind I encourage you to reach out to one another. Spend time encouraging and praying for each other. We may not be gathered in the same location, but we are absolutely continuing to be the body of Christ.

Here are my last two encouragements for the day. If you have not setup online giving please take the time to do so. You can give online, via text message or in the SimpleChurchCRM App. Also, if you have not taken time to download the SimpleChurchCRM app please do so. If you need help setting this up, please call the church office. This will give you access to phone numbers and emails of your Sunday school class. Our current circumstances are a hinderance, but in no way do they prevent us from being the church. Yesterday we worshiped remotely all over our community. We are continuing to serve people. Fellowship is making a phone call. As painful as all of these changes are, I am reminded of the New Testament Church in the book of Acts. The difficulties of their time became the backdrop of their faith. I pray that in the days ahead the faith of God’s people will shine against the uncertainty of this time.

I pray for our church family to experience the tender mercies of our Heavenly Father day by day. God bless.


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