We see many examples of worship in the scriptures. We see Abraham tithe a tenth of all his belongings in Genesis 14. We see Abraham being resolute in the idea that God would provide a lamb for him as he goes to offer Issac, Genesis 22. We see David dancing before the lord in 2 Samuel. Isaiah is moved to deeper service in Isaiah 6 as he encounters God high and lifted up. The Psalms are written to help people worship, to express grief or frustration to God. Some were called Songs of Ascents. These were sung on the journey to the temple for worship. Jesus told the woman at the well in John 4 that true worship was worship that was filled with both spirit and truth.
So, what is worship? In its most simple form worship is encountering God and the response that we have to Him. David sang, Abraham gave a tenth and was obedient with his son. Sometimes worship is jubilant, other times worship is sorrowful. Sometimes our greatest worship takes place right in the middle of pain. Job said, "The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.” in Job 1:21. Worship is more than a feeling it is a response to the greatness of God. This no doubt will evoke a feeling of humility in us, but worship is more than the feeling itself, worship is the response. When Abraham took Issac, his only son to the mountain top to offer him as a sacrifice at the direction of God, his obedience was the act of worship. God responded to his obedience by providing a lamb for the sacrifice. So, as we move toward a time that is dedicated to worship. A time that has been prayed over. A time that has been humbly planned and prepared for, how will you respond? How will you worship?