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The Light of the World

The prophet Isaiah, approximately seven hundred and fifty years before the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, spoke to those in darkness concerning their situation in the world in which they lived. The Hebrew people had seen so much turmoil and corruption in their "world" that darkness had folded around them like a dense cloud "a shadow of death". Then Isaiah spoke these words, "The people have seen a great light." The dawn of day was coming in this manner, "A child is born and unto us a son is given, and he will have dominion resting on his shoulders and the name given to him will be as no other name known before.”

As we reflect on this season, we can perhaps go back in time to see with our heart's "eyes" the dawning of a new time when the Light of the World had brought to all mankind.

Jesus who was born into a poor family was the Creator of all things seen and unseen. As we consider His birth let us not forget from whence he came and to whom he has given the Promise of eternal light and life. Jesus, the babe in the manger, is that Light that shines so brightly in the darkness of our world today.

"All hail the Power of Jesus' Name let angels prostrate fall. Bring forth the Royal Diadem and Crown Him Lord of all."

Dr. J.M. Ashburn, Th.D.

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