Reach One
I am easily overwhelmed by the number of people I meet. I struggle to remember names, particularly when I meet a person in one context and then later see them in another. There are 220,000 in Forsyth County and 30,000 in Dawson. Seventy percent of those are lost or unchurched, that is a 175,000 people between the two counties. We as the church are called to reach them, but how? The number just overwhelms me.
So, let’s make this a little more manageable. REACH ONE! Don’t focus on 175,000. Focus your time, your energy, your prayers and your resources on 1. One person that you know, a person that is in your circle of influence. Focus on one person God has placed in your path. Then begin to pray for them by name daily. Pray for them multiple times in the day. Beg God to work in their life. Pray that they would see Jesus in you. Pray that God would use you to share the message of Jesus with them. Pray for the opportunity to share your faith journey to Jesus with them. Pray without ceasing. Pray for boldness. Be intentional about spending time with them. Look for God given opportunities to share. Focus on just that one person.
Let each of us Reach One. I fully recognize that God is the one who will save people. I would point out that Jesus taught us to be persistent in our prayers (Luke 11:5-10). He also taught us that when His will becomes our will, that He will grant our prayers (John 15:7). It is God’s desire that all will be saved and that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9). Let’s focus on Reaching One. Who will your one be?