Missions Are About People
Missions are about people without regard to race, nationality, gender, social or economic classes. We are called to share what God has done in our life with others that God places in our path. These are basic ideas of missions. In the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) Jesus gives us our marching order, “Go make disciples.” Our job is to help other people to become followers of Jesus. I recognize that only Jesus can save and transform lives, but our role is to walk with people to the point of salvation and then on to the point of maturity in the faith. The command is “Go". The verse can actually be translated ‘as you are going.’ In other words, as we go about our life we are to share with people the wonderful news of Jesus Christ. Are you going? Every place we find our self becomes a mission field. When we are at work, at school, on the ball field, at rehearsal or on vacation we are missionaries. So, let me ask you a question, who has God placed before you? Who are you to be praying for and sharing with? How will you live before them to show them the difference that Jesus makes in your life? I encourage you to find three people to begin to pray for daily. Ask God to work in their life. Ask God to provide opportunities to ask questions and begin to talk about Jesus. Ask God for opportunities to invite to church. Ask God for the opportunity to share your story with them. Let us open our eyes, the fields are white and ready for harvest. Let’s get going.