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Jesus' Love

The Love of God is amazing, and more than our minds can comprehend. The life of Jesus demonstrates His love for us, His creation. In Mark 1:41 Jesus is “moved with compassion” over a man who is a Leper. As a leper he was untouchable because of the highly contagious disease. He would have been separated from his family and unable to worship God in the local synagogue. Jesus would have known the difficult circumstances this man found himself in because of leprosy. A similar circumstance is found in Matt 20:34, however the individual had blindness rather than leprosy. The individual’s life was hugely impacted by the disease and Jesus was “moved with compassion.”

We also, need to see that Jesus love is active. Everywhere that Jesus went he taught the people. As a young child people were “astonished at His understanding and answers.” (Luke 2:47). In Matt 7:29, Jesus is described as teaching with “authority.” Jesus performed miracles. He often did this as an illustration of power and authority or as an object lesson. Jesus actively demonstrated his love for people. The ultimate illustration was the cross. Paul says, “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

Jesus’ love is also very personal. He dined with “tax collector and sinners”. Eating a meal together was a sign of acceptance. Jesus touched lepers to bring about healing. He laid hands on the children. Jesus was close to James, John and Peter. Jesus restored Peter after his denial of Jesus during the trials.

Finally, Jesus’ love for us is constant. Jesus is never going to love us anymore than He does right now. The day Jesus died on the cross He demonstrated His immense love for us. His love for us does not wax and wane based on our obedience or disobedience. His love for me and you is constant. We become obedient because it is pleasing to Him and is our response to His great love, not so that He will love me more. Let each of us enjoy the love of our Savior.

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