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In Process

Philippines 1:6

6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;

God has been at work in our lives since we were born. God has used creation to reveal His glory to us. Have you ever seen a child that has a bright-eyed look about the world? They live in this amazing place where they are free to explore, and in the processes, God is revealing Himself. The stars in the sky reveal His glory. The caterpillar that turns to a butterfly reveal His glory. The beauty of the dew on a fresh opened flower reveal His greatness. Even in the earliest of years God is at work revealing Himself to us. At some point in time God brings conviction of sins to our life. In this painful event God is still at work. We may never feel further away from God, but He is still at work in our lives. Then comes Salvation. At this moment in time God begins to reveal Himself in a deeper and more profound way. We are invited to walk along beside Him. We learn of God’s ways.

In Philippines 1:6, Paul says that he is confident that God will finish His good work in us. The word confident is also translated persuaded or convinced. Paul is absolutely convinced that God will finish His work in us. He has become persuaded by the journey that he has been on with God that God is able to finish what He started. I too find myself persuaded. Every one of us finds ourselves in process. We don’t finish growing, learning or being useful for the kingdom until God calls us home. God has been at work in our lives a long time. I too am convinced that God will finish His work in me and in you. I am so thankful for this. I see rough spots that need to be dealt with. I see weathered and unfinished areas as well as broken areas that need His healing touch. I realize that we are new creations in Christ spiritually speaking, but I also understand we live in these broken bodies that have a lot of scares. I am so thankful that God uses everything in our lives (Rom 8:28) to accomplish His work. We should rest in the fact that God is working on us all and that He is not done yet. I rejoice knowing He will finish His work in me. So, if you don’t like what you see in yourself or even in others, hold on God is not done yet.

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