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The weather has finally turned warm after a long winter. I can’t believe we are in the month of May already. This means that VBS is just around the corner. I need to ask for a few things from the church regarding VBS. Please pray for both the volunteers who work tirelessly to serve our community and our participants. We will have a lot of kids and a lot of families on campus June 4-8. Pray that God will use each volunteer to touch the lives of those families who will be here. Pray that God would prepare minds and hearts to hear the truth of Jesus Christ. Pray that lives might be changed. Pray for the encounters with families that do not have a church home. Pray for our leaders. Pray for the kids. In John 15 Jesus teaches that we can do nothing on our own, that we have to be connected to Him. We have to abide in Him. Pray now that our volunteers will abide in the presence of God and serve in His power. VBS is a long and tiring week but the potential to change lives is tremendous.

I also want to ask you to think about who you can invite. Do you have kids, grandkids or neighbor’s kids that need to hear about Jesus? Take the initiative to invite them to VBS. All the information is on the website. Maybe you need to take the next step and offer to pick them up and bring them with you. Please realize that for some kids this is the only opportunity that they have to hear about Jesus. I know that this idea is astounding in our culture, but it is true. What do you and I need to do to help kids hear about Jesus.

Serve! If you have one hour or one day that you are available, please come serve. This is as much for you as it is for the kids. In the process of serving we will encounter God. We will grow in our faith through service. You will also become connected to your church family in ways that you cannot sitting next to them in church.

Finally, be intentional. When you see someone, you do not know introduce yourself and get to know them. Find out how they came to know about VBS. Make them feel at home. We have a great opportunity to invite people to our church. Also, please remember family night. This is the night we have the kids on stage to sing and we share a message. Please come worship with us. You will be blessed. I can’t wait to see what God does through this year’s VBS.

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Cumming, GA 30028



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