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Gal 3:26

Galatians 3:26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.

Jesus changes our lives. When we come to know Jesus as savior, we become sons and daughters of God. We are adopted into the family of God. We have all of the rights, privileges and provisions as a son or daughter of God. The guilt we have has been paid for by the blood shed by Jesus on the cross. God now sees us through the blood of Jesus. He declares us to be His.

Notice the last half of the verse above. The important phrase is ‘through faith in’. We do not arrive at this position as a son or daughter through how we live, who our earthly family is or how many good acts of service we do. It also is not dependent on the amount of intellectual knowledge we have or the level that we have achieved in society. We come to be known as sons and daughters of God through faith in Jesus. We trust that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. We trust in Him alone. We trust that Jesus gives us eternal life. This sounds easy enough, but the human heart is fickle. Internally we question why I need Jesus when I am a pretty good person. We question why I need Jesus when I am better than those around me. Coming to Jesus means coming to the end of ourselves and learning to trust in someone other than ourselves.

So here is the real question, ‘Have you placed your faith in Jesus?’. Are you a son or daughter of Jesus? Today is a great day to find out.


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