The church is alive and well. The church has never been about a gathering place, but the people of God. In recent days I have heard so many stories of our church family being the church. Phone calls to say, 'how are you doing’. Encouraging text Messages and emails. Sunday school classes being held via FaceTime. Even some good nature ribbing. I have received phone calls about how to minister to our church family and to our community. Pastors calling pastors just to make sure everyone is doing ok.
This is no doubt a difficult time and there is not a guidebook to help us navigate the day to day decisions that must be made. The current recommendation is to avoid group gatherings of 10 or more. These recommendations are for the next two weeks. I am sure that in the days ahead we will receive new guidelines as more information is gathered.
In accordance with these guidelines we will cancel Services for March 22 and March 29. This cancelation will include all schedule church activities for these weeks.
In order to stay connected with our church family we have several online resources that we recommend. These resources will help us worship, give and fellowship. Corporate worship will be through the online stream. The ministry of the church continues to our families and community, so giving can be accessed here . During this time, it is important to stay connected to one another. By downloading the SimpleChurchCRM app you will have access to phone numbers and addresses. You can even update your information, including your picture.
During this unprecedented time if you need help, please reach out to the staff, deacons or church leaders. We are here to help.
God Bless
Scott Gilbert