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At the coming of Jesus, the Messiah, the Prophet's announcement that had been silent in the past was heard as loud as thunder. The Prophet Isaiah said the Lord Himself would give Israel a sign, a virgin would conceive and bear a son and His name would be called Emmanuel, meaning God with us.

Little could anyone on earth have known that the child in the manger was the King of Glory.

King David, long before the birth of Jesus, wrote in a psalm in which he said that God was his king, ELI MAELEKHI, God My King.

When Jesus was born, the King of Glory would walk in human flesh upon the earth.

The child in the manger would grow up and show, through his miracles, that he was Messiah, Israel's coming King and Savior.

We first see God Himself was lying in the manger and at about the age of thirty-three would lovingly die on a cruel cross for humanity's sins.

There will be a day at which time this same Savior will come to His own again in His Glorified Body to take all of His redeemed people with Him to be with Him forever more in God's eternal home.

So, the Christmas story is fulfilled as Jesus, who is God, Savior and King, redeemed us sinners to live with Him in glory forevermore.

Our gracious God told His-Story through the prophets of old that we, who through Adam's sin are also fallen from the grace of God, can live with our King, ELI MAELEKHI forever.

Our King said, "in my Father's House are many mansions" and that Jesus went to prepare a place for us to abide with Him for all eternity.

All Praise be to God for His unspeakable GIFT!

Dr. Johnny M. Ashburn ThD

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